The NACQ Method CertificatioN enables you to train to be able to communicate and generate questions.
The training is led by the author of the NACQ method, Nikola Nikša Eterović.
Seven topics are intended for the NACQ MethodCertifikatioN over the course of seven months, in seven workshops, each lasting 21 hours, spread out from Thursday at 17:31 to Saturday at 17:31. The training finishes with an independently led workshop and a conversation about a written work.
The topics of the workshop are:
- The question asks itself, what is a question?
- Dramaturgy of the question, topics of choice – fictional biographies
- Dramaturgy of the question, the answer as question
- Dialogue with questions
- How to dive into the depth of a topic with questions and not get lost; when to stop the necklace of questions
- Final question – the first question in a relationship; first question – the final question in a relationship
- Articulating what isn’t said
Leading a workshop independently, in a group of one’s choosing, is an important part of this training.
Each person chooses the topic for their written work based on their own interest; a mentor oversees the creation of the work; the finished work is presented in front of the group of students, and questions are asked about the work.